Is this your cat?

Is this your cat?

This cat has been at school for the last few days and has been trying to get in the building to join in lessons!  Does this cat belong to you?
School in a bag charity to visit school

School in a bag charity to visit school

According to UNICEF figures, 20% of the world’s child population will never attend school.  School in a Bag is a simple solution created to help poor, orphan, vulnerable and disaster affected children throughout the world. Each SchoolBag is filled with...

Peover Superior Summer Fair: Sat 4th July 2-4pm

Peover Superior School would like to welcome you to their annual summer fair on Saturday 4th July between 2-4 pm. There will be lots of fun for all ages including a bouncy castle, balloon making, owl display from Lower Moss Wood, BBQ, Bar, Cake Stall, Fire Crew,...