There is a consultation out about train services from Chelford, which requires a response by 10th March.

It’s difficult to know how to respond because all options seem to make things worse for Chelford, or at least not better.  Option A proposes to leave things as they are but with increased reliability so that would be marginally better.

Please take a look at the links below.  The first is from the Chelford Village Newsletter which gives a synopsis of the proposals.  It looks fairly complicated until compared with the document on the Government website which is fiendishly difficult to evaluate.

I think the best we can do is to email the consultation on to say that:

  • we do not want journey items to be extended,
  • we think that the route through Stockport is to be preferred (because residents work or go to school along the Stockport line, it is a shorter journey time and it is a useful interchange for other services.  The proposal to re-route the service via the Styal line is not clear as to whether the trains would stop at the Airport therefore we would get longer journey times to Manchester without any trade-off benefit) and
  • if the present proposals do not give us a better service they should go back to the drawing board.  Even with Options B and C we would still have a gap in service in the afternoon.

If you wish to respond in writing, the address is:

MRTF Consultation,
3rd floor,
Department for Transport,
Great Minster House,
33, Horseferry Road,

Chelford Village Website – Synopsis of Proposals

Government Website – Consultation Document

Please remember that the cut-off date is 10th March and do not delay in responding or they will think that we don’t care.  Even if we do not use the trains there are plenty in Chelford and the surrounding parishes who do and it is vital for those who cannot drive, such as schoolchildren and the elderly.  By rights the proposals should be offering Chelford a more frequent direct service to Manchester and Stockport to take account of the recent increase in population.