Peover Superior & Snelson Parish Council

Peover Superior & Snelson Parish Council (or PSSP) provides democratic representation for Parish residents, especially in dealings with Cheshire East Council.

PSSP has a complement of 11 elected Councillors and employs the services of a Parish Clerk (see Who’s Who). The Council liaises with Cheshire East Council, with the Village Hall Management Committee, and with other groups in the Parish.

The Council receives details of both Over Peover and Snelson Village’s Planning Applications (and subsequent decisions) from Cheshire East Council, and is invited to make comments on these Applications.

To find out what else the Parish Council does see the annual calendar and roles and responsibilities.


Contact your Parish Council

You may contact the Council via the Parish Clerk:
Mrs Shareen Worthington
1 Woodlands End
Macclesfield SK11 9BF


Note: the PDF files on this page may open in a different application


The Parish Council is funded directly by residents of Over Peover and Snelson, via precept from Cheshire East. Councilors receive no salary, the Clerk receives an annual fee, and payments of disbursements and expenses are subject to approval and minuted during PSSP meetings.

The Council managed funds and disbursements for the 2006-2011 Parish Plan activities. further details of the parish finances can be found on the Parish Council finance page.

Members are required to comply with a Code of Conduct and the Council’s Standing Orders.


Meetings are held 10 times per year, currently in Over Peover Village Hall on Stocks Lane, usually starting at 5pm on the second Tuesday of the month (no meetings in August or December).

Meetings are open to the press and public. Please confirm meeting arrangements, venue and agenda on this website or via noticeboards.

The Village annual meeting usually takes place to follow the March Parish Council meeting.

Residents may raise items of concern by prior notice via the Clerk.

Please check meeting agenda notices for start time and venue (see Meeting Dates & Agendas on this website, and the main PSSP noticeboard in the Village).

Minutes of Meetings and Council Information

PSSP complies with Freedom of Information law and endeavours to meet residents’ information and communication requirements. Where residents require paper copies of information from the Council, then a charge may be made (see Information).

Agendas and Minutes are displayed in the Parish Council section of this website.

The Parish Council publishes information according to its Freedom of information under the Model Publication Scheme for public bodies.

Council information is made available by various means, including:

  • on the village noticeboards
  • on this website
  • directly from the Clerk

The Parish Council has a GDPR policy which tells you how your data is managed.  If you wish to receive emails from the Parish Council please complete a consent form and send it to

Planning Applications

The Parish Council are consulted by Cheshire East on all planning applications in the parish.  The Parish Council’s deliberations of these applications take place either at a Parish Council Meeting or at a planning meeting.  Both meetings are open to the press and public to attend.


Planning Meetings take place if there are applications that need responses before the next Parish Council meeting date.

The venue for the planning meetings is the Village Hall and the date will be notified alongside the planning application reference listed below.

To view planning applications go to and enter the planning reference.

For more information please contact the Clerk (
