Church Christmas Dates
Saturday 30th November 2:00pm St Lawrence Christmas Fair in Over Peover Village Hall Wednesday 11th December 6:00pm Over Peover School Carol Service at St Lawrence Church Sunday 15th December 6:00pm Traditional 9 Lessons and Carols at St Lawrence Church Tuesday 24th...
Comedy Night at the Village Hall
Come along for an evening of comedy on life’s little Ups and Downs. Support your local Village Hall on the 12th October. Bring cash for donation on the bar!
Reporting Highways Issues
Below is a document providing information on how to report highways issues on the CE Highways network. These can include potholes, damaged road signs, or overgrown vegetation. Reporting these problems through our official channels is crucial for ensuring the safety of...
Voter Registration and ID
A reminder that the deadline for registering to vote is midnight on 18 June and the deadline to apply for free voter photo ID is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June. Voter Registration Information Voter ID Information
D-Day Commemoration
To commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day there will be an exhibition of the role local villages, including Over Peover, played in the events leading up to D-Day. This exhibition is at St Oswald's Church, Lower Peover. There is also a commemorative walk from St...
Glastonbroke Music Event
On Friday 28th June between 4pm and 9pm, Radbroke Hall will be hosting an outdoor music event for colleagues, families and friends in the campus grounds. The event will include a stage with various bands, food stalls, a bar, and activities for children. Please be...
Work to The Cenotaph
Please click on link for details to ongoing work to the Cenotaph Cenotaph Work
Colshaw Hall 10K Run
The Colshaw Hall 10k will take place this year at the above date. There will be a road closure from 09:15 until 11:00. The advanced warning signs will be placed on affected roads two weeks before the race and Run Cheshire will visit the properties on the route...
Barclays Radbroke Quiz
Thursday 28 March between 5pm and 7.30pm. Join Katy and Adam Rickitt from Knutsford’s Dexter & Jones for a quiz night at Byte & Co, the on-site restaurant at Barclays Radbroke Campus. Bring along a friend or partner, brush up on your general knowledge and get...
Radbroke Wellness Centre
Barclays Radbroke is offering membership of its Wellness facilities to local residents. See below for details.
Brownies Recruits
Chelford Brownies are looking to recruit new members. If you know anyone who would be interested in joining, please click on link below for further details. Brownie letter for recruits 2024.doc
Notice of Casual Vacancy
Please click on click to view vacancy Notice of Casual Vacancy - Jan 2024
CEC Budget Consultation Survey
We have launched the public consultation about the council’s budget for 2024/25 and are asking for your input. We know that costs and demand for council services will significantly exceed the levels of income we had planned for in the Council’s Medium-Term Financial...
Scottish Power Works on Stocks Lane
You will have seen that some works are being undertaken along Stocks Lane in close proximity to Radbroke. This has the potential to cause some disruption both to Barclays colleagues at Radbroke as well as residents of the village. These are works being undertaken by...
Invitation – Festive Friends – Christmas Carol Celebration at Radbroke
Barclays Radbroke would like to invite the local community to join them for a free Christmas Carol Celebrations event on Thursday 30 November in their refurbished restaurant, Byte & Co. If you would like to attend, you can reserve your space by clicking on the...