Police Cluster Meeting for the Chelford ward, which is part if the newly formed Gawsworth and
Chelford Police Unit.
Wednesday 26 September 2018 @7 30
Congleton Police Station
Pc Garry Charnock (GC) and PCSO Julia Short (JS) were the police officers present who are
currently responsible for the Gawsworth and Chelford Police Ward. They will be joined soon by
PCSO David Bell ( 3/4 time). Apologies were given for the unavailable absence of Inspector Penny Jones.
There is access to two police vehicles at present for the whole of the Congleton Beat which
includes four areas similar to, and including, G and C Ward. CEC Cllr George Walton indicated that he was delighted that all all but one of his 7 Chelford Ward Parish Councils were present. ( Lower Peover absent).

The geographical area covered by the Ward was discussed as there was general unease at the
decision made by the Police to make Congleton the hub, rather than for the parishes close to
Knutsford having Knutsford as their Police hub. JS reminded those present that the G and C Ward covered 58 square miles, 15 Parish Councils and 21 villages. It was not going to be feasible to visit Parish Councils on a regular basis.
Speeding traffic was raised by all the parishes present, as was the dangers of regularly
dangerously driven tractors.
JS and GC indicated they would consider targeting tractor drivers, as well as educating them via
Young Farmers, Reaseheath College and the like
Trespassing was also discussed. Threatening behaviour of trespassers could be notified by 999
Advice was given about the suitable display of warning notice of Private Land, and Danger.
Trespassing, other than with threatening behaviour was a Civil offence and outside Police
Contact with Police was recommended by ringing 101. This can be a lengthy process but was the
only way that proper records of problems could be made. The Police need to itemise all 101 calls
so that they can see if there is a pattern in anti social behaviour , criminal activity, suspicious
behaviour and similar.
999 cals should be made when life is in danger.
Rural Watch annual meetings are not being undertaken in the G and C Ward, but a few Rural
Watch posters may become available and when they are at least one will be sent for Toft.
Traffic Impact days are not being organised at present but is possible they may in future.
JS and Robin Johnson ( Cheshire Police Highways Safety Officer) will be visiting the following
parishes on 11 October. They do not require any parish presence or influence on that day.
Over Peover
Nether Alderley
Traffic management training ( Speedwatch) will be given by Police later on and five locations for
Speedwatch in each of those places will be decided on 11 October.
The Speedwatch volunteers will need to abide by all the speedwatch rules and all will need to
trained/ retrained.

The five speedwatch locations in each village will be at least 100 yards from 30/40 signs, and will
be within a 30/40 mph zone
A coordinator for each Speedwatch team will be required; this need not be a Parish Councillor.
A Police Surgery will be held at Plumleys Garden Centre on 1 October @ 11 – 12 am
Mobile Police Surgery
These are already planned to be held on 20 October at
Nether Alderley 9 30 -10 30 am
Seven Sisters Ice Cream Parlour, Toft 11- 1230 pm
The Police officers were thanked for the time and help, as well as welcome refreshments.