Please be aware that I have been advised of the below and asked to make you aware of an emerging trend occurring in the South of GMP. As of yet there has been no recent reports of this happening in Cheshire, however as this trend is emerging it may not take long for a similar incident to occur in our area :

There have been a number of reports of distraction burglaries occurring in the south of Greater Manchester within recent weeks. The MO used by the offender/s is that they are from the water board. The offender/s will gain entry to a property with the resident and will either distract the resident while a further offender enters the property without the residents knowledge, or, the offender will ask the resident to carry out a task, for example, switch on the taps upstairs while they do a quick search of the property.

Please can residents be vigilant and keep an eye out for cold callers. Elderly and vulnerable residents should also be made aware and advised not to let anyone in who is not expected.


Jane Thirsk