The President Mrs June Leach welcomed 28 members, then opened the meeting with the singing of Jerusalem;
Apologies – there were five apologies they were, Anne Tomkinson, Helen Norbury, Maria Gillespie, Bernie Byrne and Francis Campbell.
Last month’s minutes were taken as read.
Matters Arising – The President said the Social evening at the Plough and Flail in Mobberley was most enjoyable. The President asked members if they would like to go to the Manor Farm at Byley next year..
Correspondence – 5 tickets have been received for the CFWI Autumn Meeting at Winsford.
The secretary has sent out notifications to group W.I.s inviting their members to the Fizz Fashion Show.
The Cheshire Show Judges Report has arrived, the secretary has it if anyone would like to see it.
Notice has been received about Christmas at White Friars, Open House from Monday 5th. – Friday 9th. December. There will be lunch served on the 7th. and 8th. which needs booking, contact Helen Skelton to book lunch, she has the booking form.
NFWI June Mailing – The 2017 subscription notification has been received: The sub for 2017 will be £ 39.00. £ 19.00 will go to our W.I., £ 8.80 to the Cheshire Federeation and £ 11.20 to the NFWI
Cheshire News – The President said important dates for 2017 are in Cheshire news, they will also be in your next year’s program.
Finances – They will be included in next month’s report.
Hall News – The President said the Banner will be put up very soon, also other jobs will be done.
Group News – Mary Bowers said the Autumn meeting at Byley went very well, the Speaker was very entertaining, there was lots of laughter. Over Peover won the competition, photos of a celebration of the Queen’s Birthday, we put in 4 photos together on a board; of our own celebration and the Street Party organised by the village. There was a Rose Bowl awarded to the winner, which Mary Bowers received from the Speaker who judged the competition.
Over Peover also received the Group Bursery of £100.00 which will be used for classes in making Christmas decorations.
Future Events – Julie Haighton reminded members of the Fizz Fashion Show on the 11th. October and asked for volunteers to provide raffle prizes.
Julie also reminded members about the trip to Liverpool on the 17th. November.
She also mentioned other events members might be interested in:- Christmas at Arley Hall on the 3rd. December until the 8th. December. Luncheon at Tatton (£ 25.00) includes 3 course meal and a tour round the Hall. (not sure of the date)
Social Events. – June Leach told members the Christmas Dinner at Knutsford Golf Club will be on Wednesday the 23rd of November. A list will go round for members to sign up for it. Final arrangements will be sorted next month. (Menu etc.)
A.O.B. – The President thanked the members who donated raffle prizes this month.
The Christmas Decoration classes will be on the 6th and 8th. of December at 7.30p.m. in the Village Hall, a list will go round to sign up for them.
Mary Bowers told members that the Children’s Society lunch will be at Toft Church Hall on the 25th. October, 12.00 for 12.30p.m. Cost £13.00 includes glass of Wine. She has tickets.
The President thanked Barbara Wilson for selling the raffle tickets.
Barbara Wilson told members that there was a County walk at Dunham Massey on the 20th. October which members might like join. See September or October Cheshire News for details.
The flowers – Were given to Audrey Lowe..
The Speaker – Was Jacquie Wetherill her subject was ‘The North West Air Ambulance Service’.
Mrs Jennie Williams and Mrs. Adrienne Howell provided the flowers and the refreshments.
The meeting closed at 9.45p.m.