History & Myths of Easter


Ann Brooks welcomed 22members and 2 guests to the March meeting.

Brosters has kindly donated tub as well as red, white and blue plants for outside the village hall, members are  invited to volunteer to bring compost and plant them up. A watering schedule will be confirmed in May.

For the May meeting members are encouraged to wear red, white & blue to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday, an invite will be sent to Jean Harding the new Chairman of Cheshire Federation WI.

New future events include:

Local W.I.s have been invited to Over Peover WI June Garden Party at the June meeting along with Selina Prescott, our W.I. advisor and Judith Shirley, our Group convenor.

The venue for our August social meeting has been booked at the Plough & Flail, Mobberley.

The W.I. reading club will meet on 19th April, everyone is welcome.

The April walk will be held on 18th April in the Gawsworth area, all welcome, details available from Barbara Wilson.

The programme of speakers for 2017 is underway and members were asked for suggestions.

A memorable talk was given by the evening’s speaker, Mr Brian Hallworth, his subject was ‘History & Myths of Easter’.

We meet at 7.30pm on the last Thursday of the month at Over Peover Village Hall. There is a friendly and welcoming atmosphere and the speakers are invariable of a very high standard as are the homemade cakes and teas to follow. New members are most welcome.


Barbara Wilson & Roslyn Field                                                                                                             

Press Officers

Over Peover WI