The Vice President, Mrs Anne Tomkinson welcomed members.
- Members were thanked for agreeing to bake the Bun Loaves for the Royal Cheshire Show. Additionally members have agreed to exhibit double the items shown last year.
- The raffle at last month’s meeting raised £35 for The Blood Bikers as well as member’s individual donations.
- Next month is the Resolutions meeting, details are available in W.I.Life
- An invitation has been received from Lower Withington to their Garden Meeting.
- Notice has been received from Over Peover Parish Council of a meeting on May 6th to discuss the proposals for the Village Hall, members are invited to attend.
- Members were invited to support the Spring cleaning of the village hall on 15th June. Volunteers were invited to plant up flower tubs at the end of May and add names to the watering rota.
- The Spring Group meeting was well attended and really enjoyed the flower arranging demonstration. Our thanks were offered to OPWI hostesses. The Autumn Meeting is planned for 14th October at Plumley Village Hall.
- OPWI Garden meeting is planned for the June meeting
Future Events:
- Bramhall Hall visit
- Ashwood Nurseries visit
- 95th birthday celebration of OPWI
- Chatsworth Christmas market
- Autumn flower arranging classes to be organised
- Special event to be arranged in memory of Mary Bowers, Wine Tasting Evening with fund raising for Early Responders
- Book Club, always open to new members
- Embroidery Group meet monthly, new members welcome
- Walking group, May walk- circular walk around Redesmere & Capesthorne
The evening speaker was Geoff Meggitt on the subject, Winifred Brown, ‘Britain’s No. 1 Action Girl’. An account of a Cheshire Girl living around the time of the First World War and the adventures she was involved in e.g. tennis; hockey; flying; sailing; ice hockey and her adventures travelling around the world.
We meet at 7.30pm on the last Thursday of the month at Over Peover Village Hall. There is a friendly welcoming atmosphere and speakers are invariably of a very high standard as are the cakes and tea to follow. New members are most welcome.
Roslyn Field & Barbara Wilson, Over Peover WI Press Officers