Co- president Mrs June Leach opened the meeting with 17 members singing Jerusalem. A vote was taken on whether the release of airborne Chinese lanterns should be allowed. Members voted against and Mrs Connie Welton will take the result to the Cheshire Federation meeting. Mrs Minty Day was congratulated on being a WI member for 50 years. She presented a card signed by Lady Denman which had been sent to Over Peover WI on the occasion of their 21st anniversary.
The speaker for the evening was Mr Alan Hayhurst and his talk was “Banking in a gentler age”. Mr Hayhurst started his career in 1954 at the Nat West Bank in Bury. He had a very happy time there and was promoted in 1958 and moved to the Nat West Bank at Spring Gardens, Manchester. He worked on the Foreign desk for 2 years which he found very interesting. His next promotion was to Bank Manager in Liverpool until 1973 when he moved to the bank in Hale and was there until he took early retirement in 1993. He gave a very interesting and humorous talk.
The evening finished with members enjoying delicious cakes made by Kathy Doyle and Marion Walker. The next meeting will be on 31st March when Judith Mawer will talk to us about “Life as an airline pilot”.
Vivienne Cunningham, Press Officer

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