Over Peover WI co-president Connie Welton welcomed 18 members and a guest to the meeting which started with the sweet singing of Jerusalem. Reports were given on Group news and the Village Hall where maintenance work is needed on windows and gutters and whose heaters had enjoyed a recent service. The caretaker had resigned resulting in the need to advertise for a new incumbent. Members had enjoyed the Diamond Jubilee concert at Winsford and the Cheshire Federation Autumn meeting with excellent speaker, Gordon Burns.


Graham Dodd gave a comprehensive talk entitled “A Cameo of The Six Towns” which was a history of the Potteries towns and an overview of the processes as well as a brief insight into the archeological aspects of the area. He told us that the potteries started in the upper Trent valley because of the readily available materials e.g. clay, water and fuel for the kilns – initially wood and then later, coal. We heard that Arnold Bennett wrote about the Five Towns –Burslem (the mother of the potteries), Tunstall, Hanley, Stoke and Leyton but Fenton is the sixth. Before the 17th Century only domestic pottery was made by the farmers from the poor quality red clay. Then later in the mid-18th century Josiah Wedgwood and others wanted to make higher quality “slipware” and developed family businesses which still thrive today. Josiah Spode is credited with perfecting the process of producing Bone China. Mr Dodd explained processes such as “blunging” which is mixing ingredients and “wedging” and “pugging” which are both methods of throwing the clay to express the air bubbles. He certainly inspired many members to think about planning a visit to the potteries.


The flowers and the delicious home-baked cakes were provided and served by Judy Weinholdt and Angela Eccles. The flowers were to be given to co-president June Leach to cheer her up following some sad news. The next meeting will be the AGM and Christmas dinner on 29th November.


Vivienne Cunningham, Press Officer

01625 861934