Members were welcomed by Co-president June Leach. After Jerusalem was sung enthusiastically the business included exciting proposals for celebrating our 90th anniversary in Sept 2012 with champagne and a suffragette theme. Members voted for a resolution against “Mega Farms” and for one supporting local libraries. There was news about various trips, the Cheshire Show competition entries, The Village Show in Sept and next month’s “Garden Meeting” when we shall be joined by guests from other WIs.
Having spent many years at this beautiful National Trust property as a tour guide, Peter Braun was well qualified to talk about “Dunham Massey: Royal Connections”. He took us enthusiastically through the 4 major rebuilds and more minor cosmetic alterations which various owners had undertaken over 400 years. He showed us pictures of some of the gems at the Hall including the collection of walnut chests, the stunning saloon dining room, the famous Grinling-Gibbons carving of the crucifixion and the extraordinary Orrery; an accurate model of the solar system. But it was the politics and scandals surrounding the Booth and Gray families and their links with the Royal Family which were most fascinating – and astounding! So amazing in fact, you just couldn’t make it up.
Audrey Mottershead and Audrey Lowe teamed up to serve tea and their scrumptious homemade cakes. The flowers were sent to Mary Bowers to cheer her up following a fall. June 30th will be our “Garden Meeting” and the speaker will be Lyn Blackburn who will tell us about “Life as a WI Judge”.
Vivienne Cunningham, Press Officer
01625 861934