







The ladies of Over Peover WI have been having a busy summer! Organising our support for the Cheshire Show WI tent included baking for the refreshments and entering for the competitions. Members spring-cleaned the village hall and planted up and cared for the floral tubs which make it a pretty corner of the village. For our “Garden Meeting” in June we were joined by visitors from other local WIs and all enjoyed a beautiful evening with good food and company. Despite having an ankle in plaster, our secretary Helen Skelton represented us at the National AGM at Cardiff. Several exciting trips are planned including Bury Market, Boundary Mill and Media City and members are looking forward to their annual meal out together.

We enjoyed some terrific speakers: Judy Popley told us about the history of Granada TV, her career there and some interesting snippets about the celebrities she met. Neil Cliffe talked to us about “How I made My first Million and Spent it” – how he had run marathons to raise money for various facilities at Wythenshawe Hospital. Tim Holmes used his subject “Grumpy Old Men” to try and justify his own grumpiness about almost everything in today’s world!

Over Peover WI meets at 7.30pm on the last Thursday of the month at Over Peover Village Hall. There is a friendly and welcoming atmosphere and speakers are invariably of a very high standard as are the homemade cakes and tea to follow. New members are always welcome.

Vivienne Cunningham, Press Officer

01625 861934 gareth.viv@lineone.net